Set in 2184 in the Martian city of Pavonis, a major hub to those living on the partly terraformed Mars. The Martian human population, tired of living underground, decided to take evolution on a whole new path and turn their bodies to a plethora of new shapes and forms: robotic shells, genetic modification and fully custom-built bodies to take on the challenges of living on the harsh surface.
New Mars, with its subsidized transhumanism would practically be a utopia if it wasn’t for the rampant corporate greed, corrupt politicians and power-hungry police, all looking to take advantage of its fresh-faced populous.
Welcome to Mars! Don’t ask too many questions.
- Branching, non-linear dialogue with keyword-based exploration.
- Combination of Visual Novel & 3D Adventure Game mechanics.
- Take Selfies with and finger-gun plenty of unique and interesting NPCs.
- A deep dive into Martian biopunk through a comedic lens.
Founded by Ruairí Rodinson and Géry Oei in 2019 in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rho Labyrinths was built to create narrative media, focusing on LGBTQ+ stories and supporting local marginalized developers.
Rho Labyrinths currently has freelancers on call for Production development from multiple international locations, including the United States and Spain.